American Bicentennial Commemorative Stamps

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One strip of 3 stamps $9.99

Scott #s 1629-1631

Spirit of '76

Four blocks of 4 stamps $14.00

Scott # 1432

Scott #s 1480 - 1483

Scott #s 1717 - 1720

Scott # 1729

American Revolution Bicentennial

Bicentennial Era

Skilled Hands

Christmas at

1776 - 1976

Boston Tea Party

for Independence

Valley Forge

8c Issued 1971

8c Issued 1973

13c Issued 1977

13c Issued 1977

Four blocks of 4 stamps $14.99

Scott # 1476

Scott # 1477

Scott # 1478

Scott # 1479

Pamphlet Printing

Posting Broadside

Colonial Postrider

Drummer & Soldiers

Rise of the Spirit of Independence
8c Issued 1973

Five Blocks of 4 stamps $14.99

Scott #s 1543 - 1546 Scott # 1563 Scott # 1564 Scott #s 1565 - 1568 Scott # 1704
Bicentennial Era Lexington & Concord Bunker Hill Military Uniforms Washington at Princeton
10c Issued 1974 10c Issued 1975 10c Issued 1975 10c Issued 1975 10c Issued 1977

Lot of 10 Bicentennial stamps $12.00
1719 1476 1477 1478 1479 1543 1545 1563 1564 1567